Potency in men

Good potency makes a man brutal and successful

Potency in men is a function of the body that allows you to have an intimate relationship with the fairer sex at any time of the day or night. This gift of nature allows you to have a full sex life until old age, provided that there are no negative factors that affect the decline of male power.

What is potency in men

Male potency is the ability to enter into prolonged intimacy with a woman anywhere and anytime. The ability to please a woman is an important component of success in any man's life, much of which depends on what he does in life.

It is the ability to "be on top" in bed with a woman that indicates good physical health and a strong psychological state of a man, helps in achieving goals, raising one's self-esteem and success with the weaker sex. Strong potency makes a man brutal and successful.

Reasons for a decrease in potency

The fast pace of modern life, unfavorable environmental conditions, frequent stresses and a sedentary lifestyle for representatives of the strong half of humanity become provoking factors for the appearance of failure (reduced attractiveness and failure in bed with a woman), which cause problems in intimacy. life.

With age, there is a constant weakening of libido and this process is irreversible. But the right lifestyle will allow you to keep this gift until old age and regularly enjoy emotional relaxation with your partner. And the wrong way of life can cause various disorders in such a complex mechanism as male potency and remind you of yourself at a younger age.

Here is a short list of contributing factors:

  1. Bad ships.Bad habits that include alcohol, smoking, drugs, poor sleep, excessive diet, stress and lack of physical activity reduce the elasticity of blood vessels (excess cholesterol, plaques), which reduces blood flow and filling of the male organ. does not perform at full strength.
  2. Excess weight.Excess body weight harms the whole body and this directly or indirectly affects the libido as a whole.
  3. Pressure problems.Hypertension, if the disease is not treated on time and the disease is not stopped by taking special drugs, threatens serious complications on the heart and brain, which will also affect potency.
  4. Diseases of internal organs.Diabetes, hypertension, sclerosis, diseases of the pelvic organs, blood vessels, thyroid gland also affect male sexual power, reducing the production of testosterone, the amount of which directly affects the increase in potency in men.
  5. Excessive physical activity.Heavy sports can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion, and there can be no talk of any intimacy with your partner.
  6. Taking certain types of drugs.The use of drugs that normalize cholesterol (statins) will increase the risk of temporary or complete impotence. Antidepressants and tranquilizers can seriously disrupt a full-fledged sex life with their harmful negative effect on men's sexual health.

Signs and symptoms of reduced potency

And now we list some of the symptoms and signs of reduced erection in men, in which case you need to see a doctor:

  • It is necessary to "ring the alarm" when there is no morning erection for several weeks or even months. This attribute of a man's daily awakening is an indicator that everything is fine in the intimate sphere. The absence of such a phenomenon is a clear signal of problems with your friend and a signal to start looking for drugs to increase potency.
  • Short sexual intercourse (quick completion) or the inability to perform it should speed up your visit to the doctor (you will be seen by an andrologist), who will choose the appropriate drug for treatment.
  • The lack of desire for intimacy is an important factor that "your friend" has problems and it is time to act.

Perhaps these are the most common reasons when, if one or more of them appear, you need to rush to the doctor and undergo a complete examination. It is worth knowing that when the problems from the above list appear, you should not be afraid and hysterical. There is no reason to worry, because in most cases the problem is reversible and can be solved.

Causes of weak potency

Now we list the reasons for which a decrease in male potency may occur:

  1. "passive lifestyle- a real scourge of our time, this is what causes a violation of the blood circulation of the pelvic organs, and it's time to look for folk remedies for potency that will help you cope with the problem.
  2. excess weight- a common cause that affects the appearance of erection problems.
  3. malnutrition(as a result, a lack of essential vitamins) - can also be the cause of malfunctions in the intimate sphere, signaling that it is time to review your diet.
  4. diseases (including chronic) of the urogenital area(for example, prostatitis, which lasts a long time and secretly) is a common cause of poor potency.
  5. cigarettes, frequent use of alcohol (especially beer), drugs - have a direct effect on reducing libido, and beer generally converts testosterone into a female sex hormone, slowing down testosterone production.
  6. unstable or poor mental health- particularly frequent stresses are a trigger for erectile dysfunction.
  7. diseases of the cardiovascular system- the first thing a doctor should check to identify the cause of weak potency, remember that your male power depends on healthy blood vessels.
  8. no permanent partner(and as a result, irregular intimate relationships) - not always, but it helps to reduce potency.
  9. a bad dream- directly affects autonomic function and can cause vasospasm, which will affect the health of every member of the stronger sex, regardless of age.

How to increase male potency

Potency in men can recover even after the strongest "overloads" and failures. And in order to prevent their occurrence, in the table below we will tell you what will help you to always be "fully armed".

Name Characteristic
Lifestyle change Regular exercise (at home or in the gym), and an excellent solution (including prevention) will be regular squats with a bar, this will increase blood flow in the pelvic organs. Daily exercise will help you a lot in this matter.
Sound and full sleep A pledge of good health and a good medicine for quick male potency, because frequent lack of sleep affects the psychological background, on which male strength also depends.
A set of special exercises It helps to increase the blood circulation in the muscles that are next to the manhood, and it will certainly help to improve the erection
Mandatory change in diet Good potency will be if you regularly eat more fruits and vitamins (course of taking vitamins 1-2 times a year).
Identification and treatment of diseases Regularly check your body for the presence and treatment of diseases that can cause a decrease in erection.
Medicines to increase potency After a single application, they increase the blood flow in the vessels of the small pelvis (a temporary measure and should not be abused).
Avoiding cigarettes and alcohol Tobacco contributes to vasoconstriction. And beer should be excluded, because it contains female sex hormones.
mental health Follow the psychological background, be less anxious, especially about little things, more positive emotions.
Having a permanent partner With your beloved, you will have regular intimacy with a woman and you can always be "on top", because the less often this happens to a man, the more he thinks about "what if it doesn't work" - and this is stress and "burning" in bed during intimacy.

List of potency products

As you know, useful substances contained in many products can increase potency. And good food is an additional incentive in this matter.

In the list below, we list the foods that should be in a man's diet, because they have pronounced properties that enhance erection (stimulate) and are not so harmful to it:

  1. Meat- red varieties.
  2. Eggs- 1-2 eggs a day must be eaten.
  3. Fish and other seafood- 2-3 times a week. You must eat fish of different varieties and other seafood (shrimp, squid, mussels). In general, seafood for increasing potency in men is particularly valuable due to the presence in their composition of trace elements that significantly increase male potency.
  4. Milk products- kefir, sour milk, koumiss, cottage cheese and cheese.
  5. Fruits- they should be present in the diet every day (eat 1 apple a day and you won't have problems with women).
  6. Vegetables- just like fruit should be consumed daily and preferably fresh, you should eat onions and at least a clove of garlic every day, don't forget dill and parsley.
  7. Use of spices and seasoningsin cooking. By adding it to ready-made meals immediately before use, it will increase circulation in the blood vessels, and thus sexual activity.
  8. bee products- honey, royal jelly, perga will help maintain strong potency.
  9. Nuts and dried fruits(the latter will be a good substitute for sweets and cakes).

You can supplement this list with other types of products, but we have listed the most basic ones that you must use regularly and which, in combination with other ways of maintaining potency, will help you to always have good health, including in an intimate sense. If the listed products (especially the last 5 items) are present in your diet, then if you eat them regularly, you will always be successful with women.

Folk remedies to increase potency in men

Mother nature has prepared everything for man's life, including restoring his health. There are a huge number of folk remedies to increase erection in men at home that can be used.

Here are some of them:

  1. Ginger root- they can be consumed ready (marinated, raw and boiled with tea).
  2. Ginseng root, tincture of this wonderful root will help increase potency.
  3. Wheat oil, the use of which has a good effect on the male sexual sphere.
  4. Sprouted wheat grains, their daily use will promote health, including sexual health.
  5. Special exercises- their goal is to make the blood circulate strongly in the organs located below the waist in order to remove congestion in the small pelvis (read about this below).
  6. Flaxseed oil- helps maintain normal cholesterol and thins the blood well. And its composition is more valuable than fish oil.

It is worth knowing that all folk remedies that can improve erection should be used in complex therapy. Therefore, you must first rule out diseases that can be a source of problems in intimate life, eat well, remove stress and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Pills for potency

Modern pharmaceutical products have been producing pills for a long time, after which male potency becomes better. Their range is quite extensive, but they are not a panacea and do not cure erectile dysfunction. Remember this and do not self-medicate, including this group of drugs. They are for single use and only a doctor can prescribe them for a course after a complete examination of your body for the appearance of a decline in male potency.

You should also know that it is necessary to choose drugs for potency, because even single-use drugs cannot positively affect the strength of the male tool, one drug will help someone, another will help others. You will have to try different means.

Concluding this short chapter on drugs, we remind you that you can buy these drugs at any pharmacy, but consult your doctor before using them.

The best exercises to increase potency

There are exercises that will help to strengthen the erection. When performed, there is a direct effect on the muscles located in the inguinal region. And due to their regular application, vascular stimulation occurs in this zone. In order to understand the mechanism of the dependence of muscles and blood vessels that affect potency, it is only necessary to understand that the muscles located in the immediate vicinity of the male tool, due to various harmful factors (sedentary lifestyle), weaken over time, lose their strength. tone, which negatively affects erection.

We raise testosterone

You should know that barbell and barbell squats help increase testosterone. And if you do them regularly, your testosterone levels will be at their peak. In the end, the absence of problems with "your friend" will be a good reward for you. Especially if you move a little, then make it a rule to do 30-50 squats after every hour of work.

Good preventive exercise

And the simplest exercise for strengthening erection is pelvic muscle contraction (short-term strong compression of the buttocks and simultaneous pulling of the reproductive organ into the body).

Funny? But it is this simple exercise that answers the question of how long not to finish and extend the scene in bed for a long time. Just try to perform it 1-2 times a day in the amount of 100-150 times per approach, and after 2-3 months you will feel that the attraction to the opposite sex has increased, and the erection is much stronger.

This simple Kegel exercise should be performed regularly, especially for a time that does not last longer than 10 minutes. By including it in your daily gymnastics complex, you will prevent prostatitis and prostate hyperplasia and retain the ability to give pleasure to your beloved woman until old age.

Summarizing all of the above, we declare that such exercises help men to prolong sexual intercourse until old age and avoid many diseases of the urogenital area, due to which it actually decreases.

That's probably all we wanted to tell you about "what determines potency in men".